shafts, spindles, milling rolls, turbines, axles, printing cylinders…
Every year all of them have to run faster, more quietly, more trouble-free
than before. The better roundness is a key stone for the above enhancements.
Is your company involved in this process? Are you looking for the new ways to increase quality of your products? We can help you. Roundness is our business.
Our unique tooling and instrument solutions open the short and economical
way to the excellent roundness in grinding and turning operations. These products
are based on the roundness correction theory developed by our engineers. Our
solutions passed checkup in many companies.
     RON-Centric - tooling line for bearing industry
                                 -   Fixed & Pivot options
                                 -   Large rings options
                                 -   RON-Centric in Chinese

     RON-Pilot - portable roundness testers for milling rolls and shafts
     RON-Master - roll grinding solution